Financial Statement

Financial Statement

Thank You for Your Generosity!

Bethany Church, we are in awe of what God has done through your faithful giving this year! Your generosity has fueled life-changing ministry, supported missions around the world, and propelled the Build Your Church campaign forward in incredible ways. 

Because of you, lives have been transformed, families have been strengthened, and the gospel has reached new communities. We are so excited for all that is to come, and we are believing for even greater impact in the year ahead. Thank you for being a part of this Kingdom movement—your giving is making an eternal difference!

2024 Bethany Financial Information

Contributions $13,629,547
Other Income $582,438
Total Income $14,211,985

Operating Expenses

Human Resources $6,158,788
Administrative $2,589,863
Facility $808,759
Electricity and Utilities $506,102
Depreciation $1,385,019
Police Security $200,894
Interest $641,371
Total Church Operations $12,290,796


Local Missions & Outreaches $571,342
Foreign Missions $539,020
Total Missions $1,110,362

Increase in Net Assets $810,827


  1. This is an unaudited statement that does not adhere to GAAP. For more detailed financial information, please see our audited statements that will be released by approximately April 30, 2025.
  2. Total Missions stated above does not include $448k spent on the Puerto Rico project that was capitalized for accrual accounting purposes, making total Missions expenditures $1.56M
  3. Local Missions consists primarily of A-Team outreaches held in our local community, support for the foster care community, and support for many other local charities. Local Missions also includes the Bethany mentorship program and adult learning program. Foreign Missions consists of various projects that impact the globe for the Kingdom of God. For more information about Bethany’s Mission programs, please visit Bethany.com.